A month's worth of posts on the Full Moon, in one day
/Some things wanting to be expressed through me today.
This started as a list of possible posts/content. And then seeing it all here on the screen, and heard why keep it inside and save it for later?! I can always expand on it later, if I want. Who knows. No pressure. For now I’m reveling in the joy of expressing it and getting it out of my mind and body and into the world.
A month’s worth of posts in a day. Happy Full Moon. 🌝
1. Taking care of you is priority #1.
2. Instead of taking care of you SO you can take care of others, realize in the big picture taking care of you DOES take care of others.
3. Set boundaries and limit access to YOUR triggers. News. TV. Movies. Social Media. Stores. Other people.
4. Have boundaries around sharing your own fear and worries. Be mindful when posting or asking others to hold space for you that they are having their own unique experience within this collective experience. Ask for help and receive support, just please do it mindfully.
5. Have boundaries around supporting others. You don’t need to always have guidance to share. In fact everyone isn’t always looking for that from you. Many times people are really looking to be seen and heard and held.
6. Be compassionate and gentle knowing that both you and others are having unique experiences as well as this collective experience . We are at different places of coping and understanding. Sometimes we’re up, sometimes we’re down. Sometimes it’s heavy and other times light.
7. It’s ok to be happy.
8. It’s ok to be struggling.
9. As a lightworker, space holder or empath you do NOT need to be on duty, on call, on point, or available 24/7.
10. You can still set intentions and work toward them. 2020 as a powerful year of expansion is not cancelled. It’s actually amplified.
11. Expansion and growth doesn’t always mean doing more and hustling. You can expand and grow by slowing down and doing less.
12. No matter what your circumstance, there is always an opportunity to slow down. To take a breath. To be more mindful.
13. Let go of expectations of what you should be doing. Let go of the weight of what you didn’t do. Let go of the pressure of what you should accomplish/learn/realize/embody through this experience. Try this on instead “I didn’t do _____ and it’s ok.” “I don’t want to do _____ and it’s ok. “ “I may/could do ______.”
14. You will learn a lesson in all of this, I promise you. The lesson can come in hindsight. Let the pressure to figure it all out now go.
15. Look for the beauty and the gratitude. You will always find it.
16. You’re doing a good job. A much better job than you realize.
17. You are upleveling. Sometimes it will be awkward and painful and heavy. Sometimes it will be super light and clear.
18. Your point of power is in the present moment. Instead of trying to get back to where you were or ahead to where you’re not, accept what is.
19. You always have choices. More choices than you realize. Look for the possibilities, rather than focusing on the problem or lack of options.
20. You can choose love. You can choose trust. You can choose to be gentle with yourself and others.
21. Pay attention to your thoughts, your body, your intuition and the signs.
22. Ask often is this my stuff or someone else’s
23. Ground with Mother Nature. Get outside or play with a plant or rock inside.
24. Take responsibility for your energy.
25. Cleanse and protect your energy and the energy of your space.
26. Release. Release. And release some more.
27. Create space. That’s when clarity, downloads, ease and peace come in. You can create space in your body by moving it. Space in you mind by getting the thoughts out through writing, speaking, singing. Create space by releasing. Create space by cleaning a room or even a drawer or energetically cleansing. Create space by getting into your heart. Create space by meditating or simply practicing mindfulness. Create space by creating/crafting something.
28. You matter.
29. You are love. You are loving. You are lovable. You are loved.
30. You are not alone. You have more people beside than you realize and more support from Above than you can comprehend.